If the company is not found in the index, you can send a request for the company.

If the company is not found in the search, you can send a request for a company with a POST request. Company name, address, city, country, and preferred currency are mandatory.

Currency and lang (language) are used for the return results of legal documents and reports available for your requested company.

Note: The currency will be set by default according to your billing currency in the account settings!

The response includes the “company request identifier” as a reference for the requested company and a map with an array of offline reports and legal documents containing the available products with the country of the requested company.

	"companyName": Worldbox AG"",
	"address1": "Breitackerstrasse 1",
	"city": "Zollikon",
	"countryCode": "CH",
	"currency": "EUR",
	"address2": "",
	"postalCode": "8702",
	"email": "",
	"phone": "",
	"additionalInfo": "NOTES: additional notes",
	"registerNumber": "020.3.901.907-9",
	"lang": "EN",
    "reports": [
            "language": "EN",
            "date": "",
            "price": "55.00",
            "countrycode": "AT",
            "name": "Credit/Investigation report normal (offline)",
            "type": "offline",
            "currency": "EUR",
            "productid": 1,
            "productcode": "REO110",
            "format": "JSON,PDF,XML"
            "language": "EN",
            "date": "",
            "price": "80.00",
            "countrycode": "AT",
            "name": "Credit/Investigation report express (offline)",
            "type": "offline",
            "currency": "EUR",
            "productid": 2,
            "productcode": "REO120",
            "format": "JSON,PDF,XML"
            "language": "EN",
            "date": "",
            "price": "110.00",
            "countrycode": "AT",
            "name": "Credit/Investigation report superflash (Offline)",
            "type": "offline",
            "currency": "EUR",
            "productid": 452285020,
            "productcode": "REO125",
            "format": "JSON,PDF,XML"
    "companyrequestid": "ff808181862aac72018674b6f14f3985",



You will need the companyrequestid as a reference in the order request.
"companyrequestid": "ff808181862aac72018674b6f14f3985",

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!