Order Status Codes

The relevant orderitems status codes for the API usage

Status CodeStatusHint
3PROCESSINGmanual data collection in progress
5GENERATEDreport generator finished work
6AVAILABLEavailable to retrieve
9CANCELEDorder canceled with explanation
10VALIDATIONreport failed validation and is being investigated

The status "Validation" helps you to identify when an online report is not available immediately. Since we need time to check the issue.

HTTP Status Codes

All status codes are standard HTTP status codes. The below ones are used in this API.
2XX - Success of some kind
4XX - Error occurred in client’s part
5XX - Error occurred in server’s part

HTTP Status CodeDescription
202Accepted (Request accepted, and queued for execution)
400Bad request
401Authentication failure
404Resource not found
500Internal Server Error
501Not Implemented
503Service Unavailable

Cancellation Codes

001Business doesn't exist
002Business can't be identified
003ZIP Code / town incomplete / incorrect / missing
004Street incomplete / incorrect / missing
005Address incomplete / incorrect
006Business is outside of provider's territory
007Double Inquiry – Report has already been provided / Order in progress
008Due to legal reasons, a report cannot be delivered
009Order has been cancelled
010Record is locked
011Record cannot be delivered